Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Are we ruining the only home we've got?

According to a landmark international study, our activities as a species is putting more strain on the earth than it can handle.
The consequences of humans activities are severe and include: new diseases, sudden changes in water quality, creation of dead zones along the coasts, the collapse of fisheries, and shifts in regional climate, according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report. - News Staff
I'm not a tree-hugging environmentalist. In fact, I'm probably one of those guys that environmentalists consider the enemy. This, however, is quite disturbing.

So much in our world we take for granted. So much could be different if the goals and purposes we set to were less selfish and more altruistic. Seriously, our species is doomed to fail unless more people consider the bigger picture.


Anonymous said...

I'm not a tree-hugger either, but I do konw that we're more than Earth can handle. We're too primitive to live in peace with our surroundings. Forget about that new high-tech microwave you just bought, that electric/gas hybrid car you recently were loaned, the solar power panels you have on the roof, the trees you have in your yard on your perfectly manicured lawn, the sprinkler system you installed in last thursday. No matter how many nor hwo great the advancements we make, we're never going to live in harmony with Earth. The chain is only as strong as the weakest link, as they say. No matter how many the majority of us is who use environment friendly products, there's always going to be a significant enough number to do sufficient damage to our habitat.

GPV said...

Something did weaken our natural defenses against bacterias;Radio-activity?

necrodancer said...

Although most of the problems with our environment can be traced to human foibles, there are times when nature takes a turn for the worst. There are plenty of evidences that seem to show that the history of earth is wrought with creatures suddenly dying off only to be replaced by others that are more suited to the current environment. Could the changed to the natural defenses be along these lines? Radio activity was not invented by man but seems to have been propagated by our misdeeds.