Monday, January 23, 2006

Just Incredible...

The time I have had over the past week has been incredible - to say the least. A little over a week ago, I found myself in a position unlike any I had experienced before. I was laid off from a position I have held for over 7 years, with a company for which I have worked for over 10 years... Seriously, this has been one experience I would have liked to skip. Every other change in my career has been more voluntary in nature, as I have been the one to find reason for moving on, taking the next position before the current was ripped out from under me.

A week of job searching and I am no closer to finding new work than I was the day I was asked to leave the last... :(

Anyway, I am still looking... Keeping my head up... certainly, it will end soon.


Anonymous said...

Hello nec,
you were quite for so long I was wondering what was going on, glad to hear from you again,good luck for your job hunting.

necrodancer said...

Thanks for the good thoughts... I'm still looking. The job search has been a lot harder than I thought it would be... Hopefully something will break soon.

Anonymous said...

Im sure you'll find something soon mate...