Monday, November 01, 2010


November is a wonder month here is North America! The fall season is brisk with leaves changing and falling. It's also a special month because of the great holiday, Thanksgiving. A holiday from early in our history, the United States has celebrated Thanksgiving since 1789 when President George Washington established the last Thursday in Novemeber as Thanksgiving by presidential proclamation. Tradition and presidential proclamations kept the holiday on the last Thursday of November until 1941. It was then that a United States Congressional declaration officially designated the fourth Thursday of November as the date of the Thanksgiving holiday.

I think this is the greatest of holidays. This year, I am going to do a little something different. For the month of November, I am going to focus on thanks with 30 days of thanksgiving. I think it will help me remain focused on why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Maybe we all should try do something like this a little more often than just this once.

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