Sunday, March 29, 2009

Always Remember Him - Even during the Sacrament

When partaking of the Sacrament, we are making a sacred covenant with our Heavenly Father. Our part of that covenant is to always remember the Savior. This covenant helps me as I live my daily life, keeping me focused on those things I know He wants for me. Lately, I've thought more particularly on what it is I am doing while I am making these promises. Yes, I find myself looking at the reverence with which I participate in the Sacrament Meeting - especially during the Sacrament Service itself.

A weekly ordinance, rather than a once-in-a-lifetime-event, the sacrament is one of the only ordinances in which we participate more than once for ourselves. Since it is rather more frequent an experience, we should all be far better at performing it with exactness. Since our attention should be more than just a moment for partaking of the bread and a moment for partaking of the water, what do we do with the rest of that time allotted for passing the sacrament?

I remember being told as a child that I needed to think on the Savior and what he has done for me. As a young child, I had no idea what that meant so I sat quietly, which kept all those around me happy enough. Simply sitting there quietly during the passing of the sacrament seems to be a little less than enough to qualify as participating in this ordinance. Concentrating on worshipping the Savior, refraining from all other activity, is what our aim should be during this most sacred time of most weeks. Yet, how do you teach someone what it means to worship? How do you teach a child that merely being quiet is just not enough? So, I need to ponder. Is the act of "pondering on His sacrifice for me" enough to say I am worshipping Him?


Th. said...


I have given up on this question for now. It's impossible to be perfect whilst minding small children. It's on my shelf, you might say.

necrodancer said...

I remember those days... that shelf is sometimes bowing under the pressure even though you know it has to be heavy duty.

The Lord loves little children. Much solace is gained from keeping this in mind.