Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not a Single Republican Vote

"When you've got 800-plus billion dollars to spend, you'll have an equal number of opinions on how it should be spent," said Chris Galen, spokesman for the National Milk Producers Federation, the dairy industry's main lobbying group.
Yesterday, the house passed President Barack Obama's stimulus plan. All 825 Billion Dollars and not a single Republican voted for its passing. Some how, I have started getting emails. Boy, they were quick to point this out! I am not going to think it is best for everyone to jump on board with this plan just because the most liberal organization in the United States is all over it.

It will be interesting to see if the Senate responds in similar fashion. You see, they can't pass it with the mandatory 60% without at least a couple Republicans to climb onto the bandwagon. As always I worry about the longer term impacts - the unintended consequences. According to the Congressional Budget Office, government borrowing prompted by the enactment of the plan would add another 347 billion dollars. This increases the estimated cost of the stimulus plan to an excess of one trillion dollars.

I seem to remember talking about the Financial exceeding the Astronomical... It is true. The costs are exceptionally greater than just Astronomical.

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