Barrack Obama told Joe the Plumber that he feels "when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
Rep. Frank exclaimed on national television, "I think at this point, there needs to be an immediate increase in spending, and I think this is a time when deficit fear has to take a second, uh, a second seat. I do think this is the time for a very important kind of dose of [unintelligible]. Yes, I think later on, there should be tax increases. Speaking personally, I think there are a lot of rich people out there who we can tax at a point down the road to recover some of this money." (CNBC's "Closing Bell," 10/20/08)
Spread the wealth, immediate increase in spending, increase taxes. What?
President Clinton campaigned on lowering the taxes for the middle class but when it came time to make good on the promises, there weren't any tax cuts. At least the legislature and White House worked together in the mid-90s to provide a path that led out of the deficit spending model. Those days are long gone, aren't they.
Based on polling data, it seems we're well on our way to provide the perfect tri-fecta. President Barack Obama, Senators Harry Reid and Chris Dodd and Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank have our backs! Congressman Frank has let their plan leak out to us. These guys have our backs alright. At knife point.
Am I going down a wrong path here?
A svithe on friendship
1 week ago
I'm not a fan of the old "tax and spend" liberalism. But at least it's a plan. You have to have money coming in before you can spend it. You can't keep borrowing billions of dollars from "countries that don't like us very much," as John McCain likes to say. The federal government has set a horrible example in the past 8 years--borrow, borrow, borrow, and when you can't pay it back, borrow some more. And people wonder why sub-prime mortgages got popular. The current economic mess will be nothing as compared to when W's sub-prime mortgage of our country's financial future comes due.
The repugs have lost their way. I think that was something John McCain has said as well. Look, we've had plenty to talk about over the course of the past few years. I'm sure you know that I do not subscribe to the viewpoint that if they are republican they can deficit spend all they want but the dems play by a different rule. I for one believe that the government needs to live on a budget - we should limit our spending to those things that are truly worth spending on.
Why are we spending what we're spending on the things we're spending. I think a very critical eye should be used when deciding what causes the government (or, more appropriately, we the people) is supporting with out tax dollars.
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