By the time you read this it might be too late. I doubt many will read but I thought I might try posting here in case someone stumbled by. Our country is in a terrible mess and our congress and president are deeply and terribly misguided. Acting, however, is better than simply standing back and letting our economy slide into a depression. Acting, action, doing something.
I am again burdened by things politic. You see, our markets current crisis does not necessarily affect me directly but I can see how the ramifications and the fallout might be dire. I spent a bit of time thinking about this over the past couple days and have been extremely worried that we, in our haste to find a fix, are going to be burdening our children's grandchildren with a heavy debt. I have called my senators and congressman and given them each a piece of my mind. No, I do not think I am experienced enough to suggest the answer to this complex problem but it has been such a weight of concern that I could not sit here idly as someone else decided the course to be followed. I followed up my calls to the senate and congressman offices with an email. The following statement is what I sent to them.
"In this time of dire financial stress, the whole nation is transfixed by what might be a terrible long term mistake for short term gain. I am certain you understand the gravity of this issue far more than I could; however, it is necessary that I express to you my grave concerns. There is serious doubt in my mind that investing 3/4 of a trillion dollars to buy out bad debt is the appropriate tactic. I urge quick response but the response must be measured and keep the fundamentals of our economic philosophy intact. Any plan must be grounded firmly in free-market principles. Additionally, any "bail-out" deal must include provisions for equity ownership. A return on our monies must be founded in a responsible, free-market plan.
Thank you,
Michael Gibson"
I don't know if any of you is inclined to communicate with your representatives but I would urge you to at least voice your concerns. Congress works for us and can be pursuaded to do the right thing. You can easily go to and to find the phone numbers and email forms for your elected representatives. It won't take but a few minutes. Make your voice heard.
A svithe on friendship
1 week ago
I called him. I called my congressman this morning. I didn't actually expect to speak with him directly but he answered the phone after I spoke with one of his aides. I stuttered and sputtered but I told him what I was thinking. Boy, I've a mind to have an aneurysm. But I told Congressman Miller what I felt about the Financial Crisis and the "bailout" proposal. I told him what I felt and tried to help him understand how poorly I thought strategy for spending 3/4 of a trillion dollars on bad debt would do in the long run.
I am going to lay down and finish my seizure now.
Contrary to what the main stream media says, wall street as a whole (capitalism) should not be blamed for the actions and policies set forth by OUR congress. There are, in fact, corrupt men in wall street who partnered with corrupt men in government to engineer a win-win situation at the expense of the taxpayer. Capitalism (and our nation or any nation) will only survive when the good and virtuous people are running it. Which means, come this November, you must vote for good men and women who stand by principle and uphold our constitution and not just give lip service to causes that seem noble and just.
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